Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope everyones' holidays are happy and full of life, cheer, good times, and hopefully not too much alcohol! :) Mine so far has been great, minus the high calorie foods! Oh, don't get me wrong, I love the foods. It's the calories I don't like. But, it's okay! I have complete and utter faith that I will pull through after the holidays and burn off every single one of them. Made it to the gym the last couple of days and did mostly strength training just like Jamie Eason advises to do. I think I understand why now, too, it's because if you use up all of your energy and food calories on cardio, which would take those extra calories to use right away, then if you try to strength train after using the treadmill, it won't be as efficient and you wont as easily be able to build muscle. The problem with not building muscle, then, is that you wont get the benefit of having calories burned at all times of the day, such as during sleep and rest, and that is a benefit that you DONT really get with doing cardio. So, long story short, I've been refraining from doing cardiovascular exercises, namely the infamous treadmill (which as you know is like me favorite), and been just sticking with the free weights and other weight machines when I go to the gym.

Please check out my newest little videos I've uploaded on YouTube and subscribe to my channel because I have every intention of keeping active on there and staying involved with updates and progress reports and the like~ Here is my newest home video but there are several others there so far (I think I have 7 total, but I've listed some as private. I'll open them up to the public once I've reached my goal. :)

I don't know about everyone else, but I am going to have a Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo   kind of Christmas!   

Have a great day! XOXOXO ---Rickie

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Exercise much?

SO~ I went to the gym tonight for 2 hours again, an hour and a half on the treadmill again. It was great. I wanted to keep going and everything was just fine, except for the development of blisters. I think I need to wear thicker socks, or tie my shoes tighter. When I got home, I cooked some salmon and had that with a tiny bit of tartar sauce. It was delicious.

I re-started up an account on and my username on there is Myoho22. :) I also think I might start actually keeping my YouTube Channel active. I started one video a year ago and then stopped because my old Toshiba lap top had a crappy webcam on it and the sound was all distorted and fuzzy. Now that I have my new Apple lap top, it seems to be working fine, and I found out by recording my first test video. This was a video I just made about a half hour ago and its' primary purpose it to check whether or not my new lap top would have a sufficient webcam in which to use on a regular basis for creating fitness, diet, and workout updates (among what ever else I may throw in there!). It seems like it worked, but please let me know if it doesn't on your computer. :)   My email address is

Monday, December 19, 2011

Here is me today, don't I look like a hot mess? Haha. Well, I somewhat am a hot mess, but I'm okay with that. I tried to sell some clothes at Plato's Closet today and the girl who was working, who I bet wasn't a day older than 15 or 16, (if the legal working age were younger, I'd assume even younger!) told me they all looked too excessively worn. What?! Almost all of the clothes in the basket I brought were practically brand new, some still with tags. And they were all name brand. Since the clothes were all still folded perfectly, I can only assume that since the store was too busy she just didn't even go through them at all.And I am really trying to get rid of a ton of clothes. I have too many and not enough space to store them anymore! I only have one dresser.

Anyways. I have been taking Hydroxycut for like 3 weeks now. It makes me so queasy! Tummy aches all day, and I don't like that - but it does help significantly reduce my appetite. Went to McDonalds tonight because there's not much desirable food in the house, and I feel guilty for eating it now. Hate when that happens! But, I did an hour and 35 minutes on the treadmill two days ago, and the day before that I did 60 minutes on the treadmill - and it was with an incline both days. I am feeling pretty good about that and I just have to remind myself to keep being patient.

Got my kids' books in the mail today. Many of them are about fairies. I can't wait to read them. I might just read them for my OWN pleasure, even before having kids, lol. :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh, the excitement.

Hah. I wish I could complete that sentence (of the blog title). But, I ordered a few baby things. Yes, I'm THAT excited and not only excited, but just sincerely want to be nice n' ready for when I have children. So, I got a few books:

  • Lazy Jack
  • Barney & Baby Bops Band A Story About Sharing
  • Cool Moves
  • Dora's Big Birthday Adventures
  • Pooh Just Be Nice To Your Little Friends
  • Just Me And My Mom
  • Young Rosa Parks
  • Lost In The Woods
  • King of the Golden Mountain
  • No Jumping On The Bed
  • Caleb & Kate 
  • Beck And The Great Berry Battle
  •  Vidia And The Fairy Crown
  •  Iridessa, Lost at Sea
  •  Fira & the Full Moon
  •  A Masterpiece for Bess
  •  Rani In The Mermaid Lagoon
  •  A Visit With The Fairies
  •  Tinker Bell
  •  Sprite's Secret
  •  Sporty Sprite
  •  The Greedy Gremlin
  •  Watercolor Fairies
  •  Wellspring of Magic
  •  The Little Book of Fairy Land
  •  How Zinnia Got Her Name
  •  Flower Fairies of the Summer
  •  Strawberry's New Friend
  •  The Fairy House
  •  Butterfly Meadow-Dazzle's First Day
  •  Jewel Kingdom - The Sapphire Princess Helps A Mermaid
  •  The Girls In The Circle
  •  Fancy Nancy: Poison Ivy Expert
  •  Polar Bears Past Bedtime
  • On The Day You Were Born
  • Corduroy's Christmas
  • Mooseltoe

  • So that's what I got for now. I will keep collecting things like this, little by little. It will be awesome in years to come for me to look back at this blog and see what I "used to write about"...considering the topic and all. My co-worker and friend, Jocelyna, and I, were somewhat browsing through a videos on, they have everything from demonstrating how to have water safety with infants, to how to change diapers, to how to swaddle a baby, to live births and breastfeeding instructional videos! Such a great resource, in my opinion, for learning more and brushing up on parenting skills. I will speak for myself on that one, since the subject has become increasingly more important to me :)
Oh, and I've decided on a boy name:

Anders!! (could be pronounced with a long A or short A... whichever tickles your fancy).
I also ordered MYSELF a book: It's one I read in grade school, and I loved every last page of it. It's called  Number The Stars. Another historical fiction book about the Holocaust. I can't wait to read it again, kind of like how I have read another favorite book of mine, Ender's Game, at least a dozen times. :)

Monday, December 12, 2011


I have been feeling a big emptiness/void in the arena of parenting and motherhood. Just the deepest sorrow and emptiness ever! With my maternal urges as strong as they've been as of late, I have been looking into names I would name my son/daughter if I have one. (or should I say when? Hah!).

Boys names I like (but not limited to these, of course):

Girls names I like (again, not a comprehensive list):

 I would put down more, but that's just a brief listing - I am somewhat leaning toward naming my son/daughter a Scandanavian, Norwegian, or Swedish name, but I could also go for Hebrew name, or one that has nothing to do whatsoever with my own heritage and the heritage of those I consider family. The truth is this has been on my mind very strongly for quite some time now, but I've been biting my tongue on the subject because of all the different feelings I get that are associated with parenting and the reasons behind that. I know that I plan to do it right this time around. I want to be a super mom!

I was reading earlier about proper nutrition for during pregnancy, because I think with my last pregnancy 10 years ago I didn't have a clue what to eat or how to take care of myself for optimal health of the fetus and soon-to-be newborn baby. Now that I'm older and wiser, I am so very confident this could turn out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


The end of the year is nearing, and all I can say is 2011 was absolutely crazy. My mother would say, "Esho funi, my dear".   Esho funi is such a wonderful concept, and one that I hold in high regard. I believe in it 100%, but sometimes it is easy to forget that you and your environment are one in the same.
If any given thing is not going right then I try to find out what is going on inside myself to manifest such realities in my daily life. It is when I forget the oneness of self and environment that I find the most trouble!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


It has been a few weeks (or so?) since I have updated my blog and I missed it, so, here I am again... Just writing to update, I will have to re-start my couch to 5k program because I let 4 days pass in between training sessions which made it hard for me, on the 5th day back to the gym, to run even a minute and a half again. But, I've been doing the treadmill almost every day now for about a week and what I've been doing is an incline of anywhere between 3.5 - 8.5 and a speed between 2.5  -  3.5. This helps me significantly :) I feel stronger already! I was sick for awhile this past week but made myself go to the gym anyways. It has been a hard fight and a struggle to get my momentum going in the direction I want it going in, but I will not give up!! :) I am going to keep persisting until I make it where I want to be.

My sister Molly and I have been talking about renting a house together and having a commune with some of our friends. Maybe even, in the future, buying a duplex together and she'd live in one half and I in the other. Something fun to think about! I want a clawfoot bathtub, hardwood floors, floor to ceiling windows, a breakfast nook in the kitchen.. ahhhh must allow cats and dogs because I plan to get a german shepherd (and already have two loveable cats).

Noah and I have made some great foods together lately. We started with making some noodles, then with the food processor blended together some tomatoes, avacadoes, pesto, basil, spinach, and freshly minced garlic to use as the pasta sauce. The sauce turned out GREEN! because of the spinach and avacadoes, but was still very tasty and it felt like we were eating a green pasta dish. (and I suppose we were). Then, yesterday we made a soup all from scratch: wild rice, chicken, carrots, celery, spaetzle, rosemary, sage, and chicken broth. YUM.

I just registered for my Spring 2012 semester classes. I will be taking:

Math 70 - Introductory Algebra
Biology 1100 - Introduction to Biology w/ Lab
History 1020 - Contemporary World History: Issues, and
Women's Studies 2212 - Ecofeminism

That's 15 credits! Full time again, baybay! I am doing good! I am knocking these credits out and learning SO much. It's helping me tremendously to be in school right now. I will be taking a tour of St. Catherine's University next week for their Nursing program.



Sunday, November 20, 2011


So, hello all, just writing to say that I have finished week 4 of my couch to 5k. I know, I can't believe it either. The 5 minutes just about killed me the first few times, but I quickly surprised myself on day 3 of week 4 when I ran the 5 minutes without feeling like I was going to die! I was breathing very heavy and sweating, but I wasn't bright purple, and my ankles didn't feel like they were being pulled to the bottom of an ocean on an anchor weight LOL. Tomorrow, I'll resume week 5. Here is the agenda for week 5:
5 Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
  • Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
  • Walk 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog two miles (or 20 minutes) with no walking.
Looks simple enough, but believe me, it is going to be a major challenge. I've had the last 3 days off from jogging, so hopefully some of my poor little shredded up calf muscles have had the chance to repair themselves some (and hopefully got stronger?).

It's almost Thanksgiving! I hope you all have wonderful plans with family and friends. I will be eating pie and other things that are not diet-ish, but I think I have justified it again because it's a holiday and because I deserve to have delicious tasting things once in awhile.  :)   I think my favorite will be arriving to my mom and Kals' farm on Wednesday and helping to baste the turkey, bake other dishes, drink apple cider, and I'll finally get to see their new goats they just got out there, their milking nannies :)  I will be thinking of something that I appreciate to share with everyone at the table.


We are down to the last few weeks of the semester so we have much to do. In my Information Literacy and Research class, I need to do a presentation in two weeks about how to conduct a research paper. I will go over all of the steps in the research process, while using my own topic as an example, and I picked student attrition and retention rates as they relate to alcohol and substance abuse on campus.

For English, I need to choose an impoverished culture, group, or country and write a paper on it, citing at least 4 different outside sources for the research.

For Math, we'll be having a final exam covering everything we've learned this semester. I believe it will be the most difficult for me of all the things I have to do to finish up my credits!

OH: I did a presentation today at one of our district meetings. It was on the three poisons of hate, greed, and foolishness.  It went well, I thought. More later on that.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Great news (for me at least!)

I just bought a $20 dollar program guide to help me out with beginning strength training. I found it on :). A great website for anyone who wants to know ANYTHING. I mean, part of what I struggle with so much with running is, what in the world is normal to have going through ones' mind while they jog? I always second guess myself about what I should be brainstorming, i.e. should I be thinking about what to do after I get off the treadmill? Should I be thinking about what to make for dinner that night? Who to call this week? What errands I have to do? My school projects and assignments? Or.... and this is the big OR.... should I be thinking about my jogging itself!!? The short answer from is, think about the jogging! Imagine your toes and muscles getting softer and more flexible as you jog, that you are getting further in to your rhythm and groove, etc. D'OH! Makes sense!! I am totally going to apply that technique next time I go to the gym. I think it will help me improve my time and distance. Here's what I'll be doing over the next 12 workout sessions, using my new strength training guide (just what type of exercises basically):

-Dumbbell Chest Fly
-Reverse Crunch
-Tricep Overhead Extension
-Dumbbell Front Raises
-Dumbbell Seated Position
-Tripcep Pushdown
-Abdominal Curls
-Incline Bench Press
-Lateral Raise
-Concentration Curl
-Hammer Curls
-Standing Calf Raise
-Barbell Curls
-Reverse Grip Pulldown
-Step Up
-Cable Seated Row
-Regular Grip Pulldown


Hi everybody, just a quick update.. Here's a silly picture of myself, looking sorta cheezy here lol but it's okay right? I have been up to a whole lot of driving lately... I hope this car won't turn me in to a lazy person. I won't let that happen! I promised myself that already... it is just so fun to have a car after waiting soooo long! Aside from cruisin', I've also been spending some pretty pennies on X-mas presents... even though I am not Christian and I don't celebrate Christmas for all the normal reasons (i.e., I don't celebrate it based on Jesus' birthday)... I do however like to buy presents for people I love and believe me when I say I have been doing just that!!  I am very proud of myself for being on top of it this year! A huge improvement from last year (and I think the year before that,too).

 My sister already got to get a sneak peek at most of her gifts from me, I had to make sure they would fit her, and plus I was too excited about her knowing about them to just not show her! But she's having me hang on to them anyways until December. She LOVES what I got for her, and Molly is extremely difficult to shop for because she is all too honest when she doesn't like something or it doesn't match her  liking 100%. So, I'm amazed.

Went to Rock the Era today at the Kaikan in St. Paul. The Kaikan is our community center, sort of like what Christians call their "church" - we do many of the larger events there because that's what it is there for. Tiffany and Sara, two of the area leaders, were out of town for some kind of conference/seminar through the SGI today so Molly (our NE-U district leader), Mariko (our North Fortune district leader) and I (the Soka Central chapter leader) were asked to facilitate the Rock the Era meeting today. I couldn't very well say no, now could I?? Haha.! It was a blast, even though I had been up all night from the night before. We read some excerpts from some literature Tiffany printed out and told us to choose some paragraphs from. We did a few little games within the group while sitting in a circle, and then everyone divided up where they were going next (mostly dance). I slept like a rock afterwards!

I have not been to the gym in about 3 days, since I finished week three of the C25k it's time to move in to week 4 now (and right on time, since it's almost Monday again). Here is the agenda for week four:

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday mondayyyyyyyyyyy

Hello ladies and gents! Just checking in today to let ya'll know I am still alive and kickin'. Went to the gym last night all by my lonesome, as Molly wasn't available to come with and we found out that for certain health reasons, her doctor says she cannot join me any longer on the couch to 5k program at this time. Hopefully after a few more tests and whatnot have been done, Molly can participate with me once again, but for now, I'm on my own (scary!). Don't worry, Molly is just fine.... she just can't be jogging and running. She can walk, and lift weights, and do other moderate exercise, for now.

Here's a quick photo update of me, not looking particularly different at all, but again, I need to do this for the sake of looking back at these pictures later with hopefully some major differences in the distant future.
YEP nothing too crazy, just plain ole' me. I was happy to be sitting in the drivers' seat of my car. Teehee. Anyhoo... SO I'm done with week two of the couch to 5k entirely now! Finished up day three last night as I was getting at earlier.. I noticed: Jogging isn't feeling as difficult as it did before. THAT is the amazing part. I thought jogging would always be a painful experience, but it turns out, only two weeks in and I was somewhat actually enjoying it.... I can't imagine how much of a jogging fanatic I'll be by the time I'm a year in to it.. sheesh... I love it! The dieting hasn't been anywhere near perfect.. I usually eat like a health nut at work and then the boy and I go off and splurge on burgers and chicken tenders during the day once in awhile... Gotta quit that! Today when I woke up in the middle of the day, I went to go get a sharpie at the House of Hansen's in dinky town specifically for the purpose of signing the back all of my growing stack o' credit cards. It's really great that I am rebuilding my credit, though. If all goes as planned, maybe I'll qualify for a mortgage loan or to finance a newer vehicle without a co-signer within the next 5 years or so :) Wouldn't that be amazing?

Oh, yeah, about going to dinkytown earlier. So I got the sharpie and signed all of my credit cards :) (still have about 4 or 5 more on the way in the mail... eeeeeek, oops lol). Then I stopped at this store over there called BookHouse, it's where a lot of used books are bought and sold...they always have a few carts/shelves of used books on display outside that cost only one dollar each.. so I picked out a handful of books and bought them at this low price (how could I resist?). I brought two of them with me to work tonight:
The Secret Of Letting Go by Guy Finley (revised and expanded)

and Windows to Our Children by Violet Oaklander, Ph.D.

Both are great! I feel like I got a GREAT deal. Sure, the one by Violet looks very weathered... but it's legible and so far is a very entertaining and informative read. I am buying books about children lately because I want to be good and ready for mine. :)   So that's about all for now, will definitely write more later!!

Nam myoho renge kyo!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

well, folks...

I have now completed WEEK 2 DAY 3 of the Couch-to-5k program!! I did an extra day both this week and last week, so total I have trained for 8 days (and not 6, which is where I am supposed to be at right now had I followed the rules, lol). So remember: for week one, it was a 5 minute warm-up, followed by intervals of 60 seconds of running and then 90 seconds of walking, off and on for a full twenty minutes. For week two, it was the same 5 minute warm-up each session as usual, and the total length after that was still 20 minutes, however this time it was 90 seconds of running, with two minutes of recovery (walking) time, off and on. It should also be noted that during week one, not only did I do an extra day, but I also did extra time on one of the sessions! I did a full hour instead of 20 minutes for one day, then for week two - same thing, I did extra time again. I was on a roll! It has been wonderful doing this training. My co-worker and friend, Leah, is the one who helped push me to start on this program and she is also asking me to sign up for a marathon that is being held in Anoka on December 31st, 2011 (New Years Eve, outdoors, this winter!). I haven't signed up yet and was highly considering it, but I think I might need more time to train first. Perhaps next year I will be ready!! Molly is joining me on the Couch to 5k program so we've been doing it together and that makes a world of difference to keep us both accountable.    I ate a lot of cupcakes and candy for the Halloween holiday, but I'm back to at least 80% raw as of today (had a strawberry, banana, and apple smoothie for breakfast - followed by a green spinach, carrot, celery, avacado salad for lunch - with fresh lemon squeezed for dressing :)

If weight loss is my goal, then I'm not getting far at all - haven't lost anything, really. In fact I have stayed exactly the same according to the scale. BUT! I am getting stronger by the day, my endurance is skyrocketing higher and higher, and I am sweating like I've never sweat before LOL. My heart is extremely happy for the cardiovascular health I've been helping it obtain :)   

Also! I got a 2nd disbursement of student loans for the semester about a week ago, and purchased my first cash car ever (the last car I had was financed, and it was all the way back in '05!). For $1,600 bucks, I drove happily and enthusiastically away with a 2000 Chrysler Concorde less than a week ago! Silver exterior, black and gray cloth interior (CLEAN interior, I might add), 156k miles, working sound system/cassette player/speakers (that was rather important on my list of qualifying vehicles to purchase, heh), among many other wonderful things. It's gigantic - there is so much room to move around inside, and the trunk is HUGE! Great for moving/hauling things around. I have already taken it through 2 car-washes, and already went to a self-wash place that has heavy duty car vacuum cleaners the public can use by inserting quarters. I got all the fluids flushed and replaced at Valvoline, brand new windshield wipers, and then I had the oil pressure sensor replaced for $70 since that was the only visible thing wrong with it. Within the next 6 months, I am advised to have the rear brake rotors changed, but other than that, this car is SOLID, and I am extremely happy!

This is exactly how I feel toward my car:

Nam myoho renge kyo!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Yepp, HaPPy HaLLoWeeN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. I know I did! I had got a costume from, and it came in the mail a few days ago, thankfully. It came with a hat, but I decided not to wear the hat because it reminds me too much of a  baby bonnet.  Check out my costume! It's called a "tavern wench". Ha, ha.

So, a lot of people got many kicks out of it. I was at the store a few times today wearing this costume and got many smiles and giggles from adults :)~ Fun times! So I'm on week two of my couch to 5k program, done the first day of week two already and will do wk 2 day 2 tomorrow (tuesday). It feels great to run. Although, my heart rate went up to 180 last time I ran, and that's the highest I think I've ever seen it - so I will need to keep remembering to bring water along, and not forget to breathe as I'm exercising (I think the main problem stems from those two things). Here's my dinner for tonight at work:...................
 Mmmm, yes it is as tasty as it looks (if not tastier, I know the salad just looks gooey but that's just from the avocado spread/guacamole).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So, I did day 2 of the couch to 5k program! Another treadmill session of walking 1.5 mins, and then jogging 1 minute - only this time, I did it for 35 minutes instead of 20 like two days ago.  I will keep updates posted!!! Very excited about this.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Good day overall

I'm still doing about 80-90% raw. Would like to get back to 100%.  My co-worker Leah used a guest pass of hers for me today at the uptown YWCA gym, and we started the couch to 5k program for me. We walked a minute and a half, then jogged/ran/sprinted for for 1 minute, then walked again for 1.5 mins, then run again for 1. We did these cycles for 20 minutes and then we went to a very intense spin class! It was an hour.  I was pouring buckets of sweat. I feel awesome though, and slept SO well after that! We are going to go back next Monday. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Antishay inspires again (as always)

OK, This was too tasty looking NOT to share. Props to Shanti a.k.a "Antishay". You can find her on facebook right here, you don't want to miss out on seeing all the wonderful things she posts!

Here is a picture directly from her page (taken on HER camera!) of the beautiful results of the recipe I will be posting underneath it!!

Pesto pasta w/ veggies - approx. 550 calories:
This recipe is for 1 person as an entree, or 2 people as a side dish.


~1/8 cup pesto (see above), more to taste
1/2 zucchini, thinly sliced
1 roma tomato, diced
1/6 small onion, cut finely
1 clove garlic, minced
red pepper flakes
olive oil
salt & pepper
whole wheat noodles of your preference

Start by boiling a pot of water and beginning to cook the noodles. Then, in a frying pan or skillet on low-medium heat, pour 1/2 to 1 tsp of olive oil. Add red pepper flakes and let simmer for a minute.

Toss in zucchini. Flip the zucchini and oil until all is evenly coated with a teeny amount of oil. Add onions and 1/3 garlic, toss again. Keep on medium-low heat until pasta is done cooking. Don't overcook - watch the temperature of those zucchini!

When noodles are finished cooking, strain and return to pot. Add zucchini mixture, raw tomato, and remaining garlic. Mix and let sit for 1-2 minutes to cool and cook the tomato a tad. Then add pesto sauce, mix well, and serve. 

Antishay has been an awe-inspiring motivator for me. I originally found out about her on her youtube channel, called "Antishay's channel". I would highly recommend looking at her videos and liking her page on facebook!

a journey inside..

I had an interesting day today. Lately, I have been thinking on the subject of selfishness. How much is too much to ask from someone else, when you're in a relationship? When it comes to needs, how many needs are too much for either person to seek satisfaction of from the person they're with? On the contrary, what's too little? How can you express your needs in a relationship?  I have found some information on relationship needs. I will cite the source here for copyright purposes as well. 1Does a Long-Term Relationship Kill Romantic Love?” by B. P. Acevedo and A. Aron. Review of General Psychology 13:59-65. (2009). 

The seven basic needs:
1.) Respect

"These are all ways to show respect. Respect is the basic protocol of all positive human relationships. It is part of the Golden Rule—treating others as you would be treated. To show respect to another person is to recognize their basic value and goodness, to honor their rights and abilities, to meet your obligations toward them, to be honest with them, and to make every proper attempt to accommodate them and show deference to their wishes."

2.) Appreciation

"Appreciation is critical to the health of any relationship in which people are expected to give service without formal payment. Many business relationships can survive without it—friendships and marriages cannot. A lack of appreciation from you leaves your mate feeling taken for granted, or un-appreciated. Such a feeling quickly kills romance. A married couple sharing responsibilities of home and family must continuously express appreciation to each other in order for their romance to survive and grow. Your mate needs your unambiguous spoken or written expressions of appreciation on a daily basis. Occasionally accompanying those words with a token gift is also important."

3.) Companionship

Good companions enjoy spending time together in conversation and recreational activities. As a general rule, spouses should be able to look forward to the next time they will be together, rather than dreading it. Time spent enjoyably together builds and strengthens the marital relationship. Conversely, the lack of companionship in a marriage can produce deep loneliness in both spouses.
Researchers have found through controlled experiments (substantiated by surveys)1 that participation in novel and exciting activities together can cause couples to feel greater satisfaction in their relationships. The research suggests that trying new, jointly chosen recreational activities together can help sustain and increase romance in marriage. Other research suggests that it is important that couples participate together in recreational activities that both enjoy. In one study,2 the more time couples spent together in activities that only the husband liked, the less happy they became. Similarly, the more time husbands spent in recreational activities without their wives, the less happy their marriages became.
1Couples' shared participation in novel and arousing activities and experienced relationship quality” by A. Aron, C. C. Norman, E. N. Aron, C. McKenna and R. E. Heyman. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78:273-284 (2000).
2Compatibility, leisure, and satisfaction in marital relationships” by D. W. Crawford, R. M. Houts, T. L. Huston and L. J. George. Journal of Marriage and the Family 64:433-449. (2002).

4.) Spiritual solidarity

Companions who have spiritual solidarity have similar values; or where those differ, they try to understand each others values and support each other in them, rather than trying to undermine them. They have similar understandings of their purposes in life, and of what is really important.
Spiritual solidarity is necessary if two people are to trust each other implicitly. Friends become true friends or soul mates when they discover or develop spiritual solidarity. Such implicit trust and true friendship is essential to the creation of a full-splendored marriage.
An important aspect of spiritual solidarity for many couples is working together in the raising and disciplining of their children.
Spiritual: of or pertaining to the moral feelings.Webster Dictionary, 1913
Moral: the doctrine or practice of the duties of life; manner of living as regards right and wrong; conduct; behavior.Webster Dictionary, 1913
Solidarity: an identity or coincidence of interests, purposes, or sympathies among the members of a group: oneness, union,

5.) Domestic support

Every romance needs a home. Building that home involves bringing in a steady and sufficient income; making ends meet and saving for the future by using a budget; keeping the house clean, comfortable, and in good repair; maintaining the yard; shopping for necessities; preparing meals; etc. A husband and wife give each other domestic support as they work together to address these needs. They must share the workload so that both are able to get needed rest and relaxation.
Domestic: of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs, or the

6.) To feel cherished

Every man and woman needs to be the best friend and highest earthly priority of his or her mate. To have this need met is to feel cherished. As your mate's husband or wife, you are the only one who is in a position to fully meet this need. Your mate must be your first priority if your marriage is to be all that it can be. The needs of your mate must be more important to you than those of your friends, family, work, hobbies, or children.
Cherish: to hold dear; to embrace with interest.Webster Dictionary, 1913

7.) Sensuous affection

Sensuous affection is the communication of loving feelings through the physical senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch) rather than through the intellect. It may be used as a means to help meet your mate's other relationship needs. For example, you might use tender touches and softly spoken words to help your mate feel cherished or appreciated. However, sensuous affection is an important need in its own right. It is a gift of pleasure that helps your mate feel good physically and emotionally. Each time it is appropriately given, it serves to strengthen emotional ties and increase mutual good will between you and your mate. It is a powerful glue that can bind two hearts together. It can also be an effective lubricant that diffuses tension and helps each partner to be patient with the little irritations that naturally occur when two very different individuals are living together. A married couple can strengthen and enliven their romance by sharing the pleasures of sensuous affection. 

_____________________________________________whew!__________________that's a lot of reading, I apologize..._______________________________
But really, though... It's great to see what others' have thought up as far as what the basic needs in a relationship are. I think I was thinking more like loyalty, trust, etc. but after thinking about it, I realize that if those 7 needs were already being met, then surely feelings of trust would naturally be there already. (right?)

Friday, October 21, 2011


'Ello, mates! It's Erica-dizzle with the fizzle here talkin' at cha! Okay, sorry. That's not how weird I am, I promise. It has been a serendipitous last couple of days. First of all, food, exercise, and religious stuff aside... A certain special *boy* that has been in my life for many years now recently returned after not being in the cities for what seemed like a long time - and it has been a precious experience having him back, if that makes any sense. To celebrate his return, the conditions from which I don't believe I have the right to go in to detail about- - - we went to the  Twin City Grill at the Mall of America yesterday, and then today we had some cheap greasy food at  The Anchor in NE Minneapolis. Since it was a special occasion, I allowed myself to, guilt-free, indulge in this savory meals and let go of all my weird pre-occupations about food (it should also be noted: though they may be weird pre-occupations about food, they are the very pre-occupations that keep me so disciplined on eating raw the other 95% of the time, so everything comes with its goods and bads!). This boy I speak of is a very significant person in my life. At times I start to wonder if he will ever pop the question to me.... you know..... .  .... .... . .... . . .

Yeah, that question! I would be a whole slew of crazed though if he ever did. What would I say? That's the even more important question, I suppose! Ahhh, love. Relationships. The long road to finding yourself loving another but not losing yourself in the process. It's all very scary, very CRAZY, but most of all, extremely mystic and wonderful. I think everyone is there in your life for a reason, and everyone is there to show you something. He is here to show me something. And so are all of my friends, and my family members. In Buddhism, it is thought that you chose your parents, and they chose you. I know I chose my mom and dad. I wouldn't want any one else's mom or dad but my own :)

I do know though, that finding a mate to marry and be with for many many years to come is going to be the first thing that needs to happen before I can start my journey into parenthood again. So it is something that stays on my mind a lot - I often ponder who I will marry, who will be my life partner, who will love me? Who will I love forever? Who will father my children? Will I find someone who wants to be a father?  Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (let's chant that I do.)

I got some stuff in the mail today that I ordered, AGAIN. I just realized how much online shopping I've been doing! Holy moly!! Victorias Secret has some of the most amazing sweaters for sale right now! I'd recommend shopping there for clothes, although it's better to do so online because in their stores they usually only have perfume and bras and lingerie. Let's just say, Vickie's Secret has made me extremely happy this week. You are are the highlight of my week!!!!!!!!!!! 

So, Ahem, onto exercise. *cough, cough*. One thing I have really come to accept is that I won't achieve my specific type of fitness goals without two main ingredients. Ready to hear what they are???

1.) Fast-paced walking.
                                                      2.) Running and jogging.

Yep, it has GOT to be all about cardio. I've done my research. I've read so many articles, clinical studies, medical findings on the subject - and I now have re-confirmed what I've already known inherently but haven't remembered to put in to practice for awhile. It's cardio!!!!

So my new goal, and Mollys' too, is to do the treadmill setting called the 5k run. It's 3.2 miles and the program doesn't end until you have walked/jogged/ran that distance. I'd like to run ONE mile in 10 minutes or less, eventually. But my exercise at the gym will predominately revolve around the treadmill

Ambitious goal of the moment: Have treadmill time each week totaling no less than 10 hours.

Funny quote: "Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." ~Edward Stanley

Interesting Fact: Running is less efficient than walking in terms of calories expended per unit distance – though it is faster.  Due to air resistance at higher speeds, running on a track requires more energy than does walking to cover the same distance. As reported by Hall et al., men on a track running at a pace of 6.3 mph use 1.20 times as much energy to travel the same distance as when walking at a pace of 3.15 mph; but when on a treadmill running 6.3 mph they use just 1.01 times as much energy to travel the same distance as when walking at 3.15 mph.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Something different once in awhile is always good!

I just spent all night cleaning my apartment to the level of spic n' span! I had Perkins for breakfast (tangler burger w/onion rings). Jocelyna let me drive her car there and we both had breakfast together. It was really fun! We had a slight detour, you could call it - got a little lost because of unexpected construction, but it all worked out in the end! Then, my sister Molly and I went to a place in Columbia Heights called Mr. BBQ. It was delicious, but now I'm going back to raw again. I feel like the protein boost was needed, though. Seems like my body has everything it needs right now, in order to run optimally. Oh yeah, and we went to the gym for an hour after we ate!! Seems so contradictory, doesn't it?

 So, now that I just cleaned all night, I celebrated the new fresh air in my apartment (dust free!) by making a delicious fruit smoothie. I used one whole container of Driscoll raspberries, one whole mango and one banana. Soooo good!!

I am sure you can see that my cat, Hasu, is on the counter with my smoothie. I know, my cats aren't the best behaved, but it's not like it bugs me THAT much if they go on the counter. I do have a water spray bottle for when they are doing something that is really bad, such as trying to eat my plants. I really don't like that!  Notice in the bottom photo I am beginning to drink the smoothie... see the pinky and everything?! It was supposed to be funny/cute. :)
Today, I am looking forward to having more time off and relaxing and catching up on sleep. Depending on the weather, a walk down by the Minnehaha Falls might be in order. The Falls are beautiful at this time of year! If you live in Minnesota, I highly recommend checking it out sometime before the snow comes. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Photo update

Well I am going to be doing facial photo updates once in awhile to see if the raw thing is improving anything at all. So, here's todays' update - maybe I can look back on it in a year and be like "I've come a long ways!"

GO me!! I also hope that by this time next year, I'll have longer hair :(

Monday, October 17, 2011

Winter stuff....

I've been living on my own for a long time now, but learning to be an adult and take care of myself and be prepared for everything this world throws at you has been a slower process. Lol!! About three years ago, winter came and I didn't have a winter coat yet (didn't cross my mind to maybe, you know, buy one!) and I didn't have gloves, mittens, or scarves or hats. I could find old mittens from years past but not the matching pair, and what good does one glove do? Well, not much. So ever since that year, I have remembered to buy my winter stuff ahead of time. Here are the BareTrap boots I ordered, they came in the mail:

They're fuzzy on the inside, not real animal fur of course but it definitely could pass as such because of how incredibly soft it is. They'll be ultra warm, because the entire inside of the boot has that fake fur. It also makes them extremely comfortable and soft to walk in. My Lands End coat looks sorta like this one:
And last but not least, I also ordered a hat and scarf off the internet as well. >:)

SO! What do you think? I think the scarf is lovely. I got the hat and scarf from Charlotte Russe Wonderful deals right now there, for suresies. The coat is directly from the source at Lands End. I can't really believe it myself, but I qualified for about 4 different store credit cards over the last few days. They are all pretty small credit limits, around the $300 range, but it has been years since I've been able to qualify for. any credit cards!!! So, now I have credit cards to use for merchandise at the following stores:

Victorias Secret
Lane Bryant
Two Barclay Cards for Apple and iTunes

I won't go too crazy because I want to keep my credit score decent. I finally got it back up to the mid-600's, from the low 500's it was at a few years ago - and I'd like to keep the score going UP, not back down! But I will keep getting it better by making my minimum monthly payments on time :)

I still need to find some nice gloves/mittens. I saw some pretty cute stuff online but this may be the type of thing I buy at a store because my hands are sort of large for a girl (lol) and I don't want to get gloves that won't even go on my hand. Look @ my big ole' hands! LOL!

I love guacamole!

As the title says, I LOVE guacamole. I've fallen deeper in love over these last few days, too. At Lunds I found this really yummy "Just-Add-Avocados" mix that tastes SOO good. I make this guacamole then use it as a salad dressing of sorts, just stir it in with my greens, sliced carrots, sliced cucumbers, green onion, and orange tomatoes. I've made this three days in a row now, each time fresh, and I think I am hooked!!

Before you go thinking "but avocados are only meant to be eaten in moderation because they contain high levels of fat!" Yes, I know, I know... soon, I will have to go back to using just lemon juice as my dressing, but I figure it cant hurt to have an avocado binge for a few days! Better than a cheeseburger or whiskey binge, right?  I also have been eating raw nuts, of course, to get my protein. I also try to eat THOSE in moderation as well, as they also contain high fat. But, long story short, I am a happy camper these days. Molly and I went to the gym a few days ago again and I REALLY got my heart rate up. Felt amazing when we left. On a different note! It's almost Halloween... what should I be?! A faery, a cat, hmmm?????

Friday, October 14, 2011

Yummilicious foodz

Today has been a WONDERFUL eating day for me! I started the day off right with a plate of sliced cantaloupe, fresh raspberries, and sliced banana (pictured above). For lunch, I'm having a crunchy salad! My green of choice for the meal tonight is kale, and in it I cut up tiny pieces of carrots, cucumber, onions, and tomato - mixed in with half a thing of alfalfa sprouts, and drizzled with raw Apple Cider Vinegar (Braggs). I will also have a banana, some lovely medjool dates, and raw macadamia nuts!!!


Winter is coming. Plans for the winter... hrrrm. Well, I ordered some boots off the internet and they're by a brand called BareTraps. They're like off black/brown/greyish, and extremely warm and comfy, I've worn them a couple of times.

 Also just bought a hat from the Seward co-op that is made out of all recycled materials/cloth. It's extremely warm! Then I got my coat from So I think I'm set, minus the scarf and mittens.