Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday mondayyyyyyyyyyy

Hello ladies and gents! Just checking in today to let ya'll know I am still alive and kickin'. Went to the gym last night all by my lonesome, as Molly wasn't available to come with and we found out that for certain health reasons, her doctor says she cannot join me any longer on the couch to 5k program at this time. Hopefully after a few more tests and whatnot have been done, Molly can participate with me once again, but for now, I'm on my own (scary!). Don't worry, Molly is just fine.... she just can't be jogging and running. She can walk, and lift weights, and do other moderate exercise, for now.

Here's a quick photo update of me, not looking particularly different at all, but again, I need to do this for the sake of looking back at these pictures later with hopefully some major differences in the distant future.
YEP nothing too crazy, just plain ole' me. I was happy to be sitting in the drivers' seat of my car. Teehee. Anyhoo... SO I'm done with week two of the couch to 5k entirely now! Finished up day three last night as I was getting at earlier.. I noticed: Jogging isn't feeling as difficult as it did before. THAT is the amazing part. I thought jogging would always be a painful experience, but it turns out, only two weeks in and I was somewhat actually enjoying it.... I can't imagine how much of a jogging fanatic I'll be by the time I'm a year in to it.. sheesh... I love it! The dieting hasn't been anywhere near perfect.. I usually eat like a health nut at work and then the boy and I go off and splurge on burgers and chicken tenders during the day once in awhile... Gotta quit that! Today when I woke up in the middle of the day, I went to go get a sharpie at the House of Hansen's in dinky town specifically for the purpose of signing the back all of my growing stack o' credit cards. It's really great that I am rebuilding my credit, though. If all goes as planned, maybe I'll qualify for a mortgage loan or to finance a newer vehicle without a co-signer within the next 5 years or so :) Wouldn't that be amazing?

Oh, yeah, about going to dinkytown earlier. So I got the sharpie and signed all of my credit cards :) (still have about 4 or 5 more on the way in the mail... eeeeeek, oops lol). Then I stopped at this store over there called BookHouse, it's where a lot of used books are bought and sold...they always have a few carts/shelves of used books on display outside that cost only one dollar each.. so I picked out a handful of books and bought them at this low price (how could I resist?). I brought two of them with me to work tonight:
The Secret Of Letting Go by Guy Finley (revised and expanded)

and Windows to Our Children by Violet Oaklander, Ph.D.

Both are great! I feel like I got a GREAT deal. Sure, the one by Violet looks very weathered... but it's legible and so far is a very entertaining and informative read. I am buying books about children lately because I want to be good and ready for mine. :)   So that's about all for now, will definitely write more later!!

Nam myoho renge kyo!

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