There is a phrase used a lot in Nichiren Buddhism that I'd like to touch base on. It's called "making cause", or "making a cause". It could be said like "I'm making a good cause!" if you just donated money to a childrens' fund, or "Oh shoot, that was such a bad cause!" after picking up a found dollar on the floor in the store, and putting it in your pocket, even though it could be someone elses dollar that is still in the store! Each of us every day are provided with thousands of different opportunities between each millisecond, second, minute, and hour regarding how we behave, what we do, what we say and what we think. Our thoughts turn in to actions eventually, influencing how we behave, and therefore influencing our environments. Therefore, it could safely be said that we are constantly in a flux of cause and effect. We have the ability to shape our lives by the very thoughts we think. Because out of thoughts, action is derived - and from action, cause is made. Cause is the very thing you do that leads to any given effect. You write a letter to an old friend(cause), they write back(effect). You walk too fast and carelessly on the ice(cause), you fall down and hurt yourself (effect). After a long while of thinking about it you finally ask for a raise at work(cause), and to your surprise, you get one!(effect.) You rent 3 comedy movies at Blockbuster(cause), and end up laughing all night til your stomach hurts(effect). The wind blows harshly, a sign falls over. You get the idea.
No act that any of us do goes without an effect. Once we can grasp that truth, it becomes all the more important to us to make sure we are making all good causes, so that we can, naturally, get good effects. None of us want to have bad effects in our lives, but sometimes we don't have the wisdom to see why we may be getting them. We need to be able to tap in to our wisdom and see ourselves in everything we do, and make sure that we are doing things for noble causes. Through chanting nam-myoho-renge-kyo, I am able to see my own mind, like watching my own thoughts, being able to identify which to put further thought in to and which to discard right then and there. I want to keep my intentions pure so that I can make only good causes, and reap only good effects. I want to enjoy each day the best I can, so I chant to direct my focus in a positive direction. I want to see the truth of my life and be my truest, realest self - so I chant to bring my true self forth and shine my light on to everything I touch and see.

In Buddhism, it is called the Mystic Law of cause and effect. The word "renge" from nam myoho renge kyo stands for the lotus flower, which seeds and flowers at the SAME TIME (simultaneously). This demonstrates the mystic law, where a cause instantaneously produces an effect. The reason this is so significant is because it applies to our Buddhahood or Buddha nature, as well. At any one point in time, we have the freedom to make the cause to make our Buddhahood appear. This gives hope to millions of Buddhist members all over the world, because it shows that no matter how dire your circumstances, no matter what difficult situation you might face - you can always manifest your Buddhahood wisdom.
I think everyone should at least know who this wonderful man is: Daisaku Ikeda is sensei in the SGI. He is the third founding president of the SGI! He will go down in history, and already has begun to. Anyone interested in peace, culture, education, philosophy, etc. should definitely know more about him.
---Daisaku Ikeda <3
I could also start signing my blogs with quotes by Ikeda, as he is a very influential writer.
Back to the topic of future children for a minute, I would like to share one of the things deepest in my heart: That I am soon going to be starting a Hope Chest, only this kind will not be for a marriage or to give to a child when they are all grown up. This kind of Hope Chest will be used to start collecting things that I would like to use for when I have my next child. I have been looking at some of the most adorable websites on the net, in regards to baby and toddler clothing, toys, books, activities and games for children, etc. Inside the chest will be bottles, pacifiers, bibs, shoes, jewelry, and a large assortment of gifts! There are some Norwegian and Swedish knits for childrens' clothing I have found that I plan to order for this chest in the very near future. I chant every day for the health and happiness of that next baby just waiting for the right circumstances to come in to my life - - and I will be beyond prepared for him or her! I can't wait to meet you, whoever you are. :) :) :) <3

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