Fitness goals aside, I managed to FINALLY set up an appointment to get my one year old kitten spayed (Rosie, the calico). She has been peeing on the couch, only one ONE section of it though.. the section we like to sit on the most. Then she pooped on my bedroom carpeting a few times in the last week, as well, and we've smelled cat pee on some of our clothes. Not only that, but also yowling and meowing non-stop all night and day, and putting her butt in the air. It's obvious she's in heat, and she's been in and out of heat for at least 6 months now, but we haven't been able to afford to get her spayed. I did some research and found out the peeing on furniture and clothing (any fabric, for that matter) is very common for female cats who are in heat, and it's some kind of way for them to release their frustration about being in pain. It makes total sense! I feel terrible for Rosie, so I am excited to bring her to Lyndale Animal Hospital in Uptown on Thursday morning at 8:15 a.m. to get her spayed.
The black kitty in the picture here is not Rosie, but it's an example to show what cats do while in heat. I think their butt hurts so they can get relief by sticking it up in the air! And the picture below (comic cartoon) is more of just something funny to lighten the mood a bit :)
She cannot eat food past 10pm the night before, which means my other cat, Hasu, will have to go on a one-nighter diet, too, since they share food and there is no way for me to hide the food from just Rosie alone. I'll be able to pick her back up in the same day sometime before 6pm.. We are very excited! She'll finally stop peeing (that's the hope!) and stop crying all hours of the day and driving us crazy. FINALLY!
Also! I just created a SparkPeople page. This is another tool I can use to help me track my weight loss progress. You can check out what I've done so far, and also other people may want to create a profile on there as well! It has so many resources! I was blown away.
A recording of my thoughts, ideas, dreams, and goals, this is an entryway for any who wish to enter; to be part of an ongoing inner dialogue of someone that may be very much like yourself - a soul-searcher, thinker, writer, health enthusiast, exercise-happy, ambition-having bringer of wisdom, and yet this is also one with questions of her own on this path of wondrous humanly endeavor!! :)

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